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Mid Week Walks

Forums » Mid Week Walks » Thursday 26th August: 19th Century Parnell Walk.

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Author Topic: Thursday 26th August: 19th Century Parnell Walk. 546 Views

Thursday 26th August: 19th Century Parnell Walk. Link to this post

A walk around the streets and reserves of Parnell with a focus on 19th Century buildings finishing with a tour around St Mary's and jumping into the modern era in Holy Trinity Cathedral. Meet in the Holy Trinity Cathedral car park-the one off Brighton Rd-at 10:30. Note the Cathedral have been very generous and given us free parking so ignore the Parking costs. However the guided tour of the Cathedral and St Mary's will incure a $5 cost each. Please give this to Mary when you arrive. There have been some big changes in the Cathedral in the last 5 years, but it is always worth a visit even if you have seen it before. I know most of you will be familiar with many of the older buildings in Parnell, but I am hopeful I might have some that are new to you. Also, as on many walks, there may be some of you with interesting information that you can share. All going well we should to be able to see inside the old St Stephens Selwyn Church as well as the Cathedral. Please let the leader know by email that you are coming and include your cellphone number. Leader Mary Metcalf Ph 027 242 3593, email:marymetcalf@xtra.co.nz
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